Coriander Allergy Test


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Coriander Allergy Test

Code: f317
Latin name: Coriandrum sativum
Family: Apiaceae
Common names: Coriander, Cilantro

Coriander is a food which may result in allergy symptoms in sensitised individuals.

Coriander Allergy Test: Allergen Exposure

Coriander is one of the earliest spices recorded as being used by humans, having originated in southern Europe or Asia and then having been cultivated by the civilisations of ancient China, Egypt, Greece and Rome. It has historically been used for both medicinal and culinary applications.

Today, coriander is grown throughout the world (including in Peru, Egypt, Africa, North America, India, Russia, Southern and Central Europe, Morocco, and Australia).

It is used both for its leaves and its seeds, and can therefore be described as both a herb and a spice.

Coriander leaves are an ingredient in many Chinese, Thai, and Burmese dishes; in Mexican cooking, particularly in salsa and guacamole and as a garnish; and in salads in Russia and other former Soviet countries. In India, chopped coriander is a popular garnish on dishes such as dal.

As the flavour of coriander leaves is damaged by excessive heat, they are often added late in the cooking process.

Roasted coriander seeds are eaten as a snack in India, and known as dhana dal. Coriander seed is also widely used in the pickling of vegetables, in sausage production and in some rye breads. They are also used in the brewing of some Belgian beers.

The root is used in certain Thai dishes such as soups or curry pastes.

Coriander Allergy Test: Allergen Description

No allergens present in coriander have been characterised to date, although one has been detected.

Coriander Allergy Test: Potential Cross-Reactivity

An extensive cross-reactivity among the different individual species of the genus could be expected, and laboratory test indicate possible cross reactivity between coriander, anise and dill.

In a patient with occupational allergy to anise seed, skin-specific IgE tests showed a positive immediate response to anise, asparagus, caraway, coriander, cumin, dill, and fennel extracts.

Cross-reactivity has also been reported with mugwort and birch pollen.

Coriander Allergy Test: Clinical Experience

Coriander may occasionally induce symptoms of food or skin allergy in sensitised individuals.

Data from France covering around 600 cases of food allergy has shown sensitisation to coriander, caraway, fennel or celery in 32% of children tested using a skin prick, and 23% in adults.

As coriander is frequently a component of spice blends, it may be that allergic reactions occur to coriander but are not attributed to this spice.

In one case a 42-year-old woman developed anaphylaxis after a meal. Skin-specific IgE tests were positive for coriander and curry.

In a similar case, a 14-year-old girl developed anaphylactic symptoms on 2 occasions following a meal made with teriyaki sauce. She experienced difficulty breathing and a sensation of throat swelling and generalised urticaria. Wheezing was documented. Skin-specific IgE tests were positive to teriyaki sauce, and to the ingredient coriander. Oral challenge with coriander was positive, resulting in additional symptoms of rhinorrhoea and itching of the neck.

Coriander, like other spices, results in allergic skin manifestations, including contact urticaria, more commonly than other allergic reactions.

Occupational allergy to Coriander may occur in individuals working in the food industry, and in liqueur and spirit manufacturers.

Other reactions

Coriander leaves may be contaminated with bacteria. An outbreak of restaurant-associated salmonella infection in California in 1999 was described.

Anecdotal reports claim that excess intake of the seed may have narcotic effects.